Understanding the Liberating Prayer

A Meditation Half Day Retreat

Sat 15 July · 9.15am – 1pm · $40/$30

At this year’s International Spring Festival a transmission and explanation of the Liberating Prayer was given by Gen-la Dekyong which included a transmission Gen-la received from Venerable Geshe-la directly. For Kadampas, this practice is extremely precious. It was composed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for modern people to make a close connection with Buddha Shakyamuni and it is recited before every teaching, meditation and puja in our tradition.


Join us for this guided retreat and enjoy the peace that comes from meditating on the meaning of this precious praise to Buddha. Reciting this special prayer while contemplating its meaning draws us closer to Buddha Shakyamuni, who is the Buddha of our world. We understand his many qualities, increase our faith and receive powerful blessings.


“Liberating Prayer is not an ordinary prayer – It is like a text and has profound meaning. All Lamrim teachings – renunciation, bodhichitta, and correct view of emptiness are included in this prayer. I can say very few people understand Liberating Prayer. It definitely needs verbal commentary by a Teacher. If we understand and contemplate its meaning – it is the best method to develop faith in Buddha and his teachings, which is our spiritual life and the root of all Dharma realizations.”
– venerable geshe kelsang gyatso rinpoche

The Teacher

Kelsang Monlam is the Resident Teacher of Khedrubje Kadampa Buddhist Centre. She has been practising meditation and Buddhism since 2008. Kelsang Monlam presents Buddha’s teachings in a light and practical manner and inspires us through example to incorporate Buddha’s teachings into our daily life

Details & Bookings


Fee & Bookings

$40/$30 conc.


The Venue

Khedrubje Kadampa Buddhist Centre, 156 Mann St, Gosford.


Date & Time

Sat 15 July, 2023

Everybody is welcome to attend this course, regardless of experience. During the day you will receive practical teachings. The course will also include short guided meditations that will give rise to a peaceful feeling in the mind and improve your ability to solve your daily problems effectively. In the last session of the day there will also be an opportunity for questions and answers.

What to expect at a course

Half Day courses are a special opportunity to take a short time out to receive practical teachings that focus on solving a particular problem we are trying to resolve in our daily life. These courses will give you the strength, confidence and tools you need to face the challenges of every day life with more patience, peace and perspective.