About Us
Everybody Welcome
Our classes are open to everybody, regardless of background. You don’t need to be a Buddhist to come to our classes – everyone can benefit from these practical instructions for living a more peaceful, joyful life.
What is the Centre's Purpose?
Located at Level 2, 156 Mann St, Gosford, Khedrubje KBC provides a quiet and comfortable environment where people can: learn about Modern Buddhism, experience inner peace, and meditate with a community of people who are all trying to improve the quality of their life, and our world, by improving the quality of their mind.
Modern Buddhism
The instructions given at our classes are grounded in ancient wisdom and have been handed down in an unbroken lineage since the time of Buddha. Revitalised by contemporary Meditation Master, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, especially for the people of the modern world, our classes offer practical methods for solving the real-world problems we face as well as scientific methods for improving our human nature through developing our mind.
Our Resident Teacher
Kadam Mick Marcon is the Resident Teacher at Khedrubje Kadampa Buddhist Centre and has been practising meditation and Buddhism since 2004. With his clear understanding of Buddha’s teachings and down-to-earth manner, he inspires us to develop a pure mind, thereby uncovering for ourself a deep contentment and happiness. Mick teaches weekly drop-in classes, our courses and retreats, as well as the Foundation Program.
World Peace
Donate to our Meditation Centre
Our Centre uses donations to improve our facilities for offering classes, and we recently completed a major fit-out of our new meditation centre in Gosford. To contribute to this meaningful cause please click HERE