Resolving Conflict

Sun 15 Aug · 9.30am–3.30pm · $60/$40

Being able to peacefully navigate our way through conflict is necessary for a happy life. Conflict can be either an inner or outer problem. It is important to know the difference and apply appropriate methods to both. With a few practical tools and by increasing our wisdom, we can protect our self from painful feelings associated with conflict.

The Teacher

The Teacher of this course is Buddhist nun Kelsang Monlam, the Resident Teacher of Khedrubje Kadampa Buddhist Centre. With 13 years’ experience practising Buddhism, Monlam is well-loved for the depth of her wisdom and purity of her practice.

Details & Bookings


Fee & Bookings

Cost $60/$40 conc

(incl tea & coffee)


The Venue

East Gosford Progress Hall
10 Henry Parry Drive

Date & Time

Sun 15 Aug · 9.30am–3.30pm

What is a day course?

Day courses are a special opportunity to take a day out to receive practical teachings that focus on solving a particular problem we are trying to resolve in our daily life. These courses will give you the strength, confidence and tools you need to face the challenges of every day life with more patience, peace and perspective.