Relax & Go Deeper

The retreat
On retreat we stop all forms of business and other activities so as to focus on a particular meditation practice. The retreat conditions at Glenrock Lagoon Scout Camp provide a perfect opportunity to relax, unwind & gain deep experience of meditation. Everyone is welcome.

The topic
Meditation is a way of calming the mind, reducing stress and developing a more positive approach to life. The Peace Of Meditation weekend retreat will provide the perfect opportunity to discover inner peace and happiness that naturally arises within when our mind becomes still. This feeling of inner peace helps us to cope with the busyness and difficulties of daily life and improve our relationships with others.

The Teacher

Kadam Mick Marcon is the Resident Teacher at Khedrubje Kadampa Buddhist Centre and has been practising meditation and Buddhism since 2004. With his clear understanding of Buddha’s teachings and down-to-earth manner, Kadam Mick inspires us to develop a pure and happy mind.


Accommodation at Glenrock is basic as it is a Scout Camp and you have the option of camping or staying in a dorm.

Dormitory accommodation is either a room of 4- 8 beds and depending on numbers, it is possible two people will be in a room. You will need to bring all your linen and anything else for a good night’s sleep.

There are female and male dorms available.

Camping or bringing your campervan/camper trailer,  will require you to bring all camping gear and ensure you are equipped to handle all conditions.

Details & Bookings


The Venue

Scout Camp Rd, Whitebridge, NSW


Fee & Bookings

Please click on the booking button to see availability of spaces. If rooms have sold out you may put yourself on the waitlist for any cancellations.

Date & Time

8-10 March