Calming the Anxious Mind

A Special Event Meditation Course

With Internationally Renowned Visiting Teacher

Gen Kelsang Rabten

Sat 2 March · 9.15am – 12.30pm · $50/$40

Anxiety and stress are an increasingly common problem for people in our busy, modern world. These states of mind prevent us from experiencing peace and enjoying life.

Meditation is an effective way to combat negative states of mind and create a sense of mental freedom. By gaining experience of Buddhist meditation techniques and positive thinking, we can learn to control our mind, rather than allowing our mind to control us. Through this, we will be able to keep a calm and happy mind in all situations.

The Teacher

Gen Kelsang Rabten is the National Spiritual Director for Kadampa Buddhism in Australia, New Zealand, and South-east Asia. He is also the Resident Teacher of KMC Australia and KMC Melbourne. Ordained in 1994, He has studied under the guidance of Venerable Geshe kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for 30 years.

Gen Rabten exemplifies the essence of the modern Kadampa’s way of life and brings a warm heart and joyful attitude to sharing Buddha’s teachings and the practice of meditation. His deep faith in buddha’s teachings and the sincerity of his practice inspire many people to embark on a meaningful and rich spiritual life

Details & Bookings


Fee & Bookings

$50/$40 conc.

The Venue

Parkview Room

Central Coast Leagues Club

1 Dane Drive, Gosford, NSW, 2250


Date & Time

Sat 2 March 2024
9.15am- 12.30pm

At all of our classes and courses we have implemented a COVID safe plan and you are welcome to wear a mask.

Everybody is welcome to attend this course, regardless of experience. During the day you will receive practical teachings. The course will also include short guided meditations that will give rise to a peaceful feeling in the mind and improve your ability to solve your daily problems effectively. In the last session of the day there will also be an opportunity for questions and answers.

What to expect at a course

Half Day courses are a special opportunity to take a short time out to receive practical teachings that focus on solving a particular problem we are trying to resolve in our daily life. These courses will give you the strength, confidence and tools you need to face the challenges of every day life with more patience, peace and perspective.